Popular Programming Tips
Generic Linux system-access banner
Rob Jens
0 responses
security, linux, ssh, monitoring
Devise password generator
Valter Martinek
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ruby, rails, devise, google refine
Tip: selecting elements in Chrome developer tools and in Firebug
Marcelo Waisman
0 responses
chrome, firebug, xpath, javascript
Switch to your favorite shell in Vagrant
Anton Kalyaev
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shell, zsh, vagrant
Beware of [NSString hash]
Dennis Wilson
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cocoa, macosx, objc, nsstring
Rails Authenticity Token
2 responses
ruby, rails, authenticity, token
How to sync your entire Sublime Text project over to your dev server with a single keystroke
David Hilowitz
2 responses
sublime text 2, rsync, web development
Sending files over network with 'netcat'
Osvaldo Zonetti
0 responses
shell, cli, linux, unix
How to debug sidekiq workers in ruby with rubymine
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rails, debug, sidekiq, rubymine
Custom JSON views with Spring MVC and Jackson
Marty Pitt
1 response
json, spring, java
Node.js module `os` examples
Philipp Gayret
0 responses
os, javascript, windows, nodejs
Auto-run tests in Node.js
Rico Sta. Cruz
3 responses
nodejs, node, javascript
Red files (missing) on Xcode project
Jhon Jaiver López
1 response
xcode, objectivec, ios, red
Adding Console2/ConsoleZ to folder context menus
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menu, windows, context, registry
See no merged branches on git
Filipe Kiss
3 responses
branches, branch, merge, git
Load Rails seed data into test database
Chun-wei Kuo
0 responses
rails, test, seed
Automatic per-environment config in Node.js
Chris Bumgardner
0 responses
nodejs, config, deploy
Calculating Pi using JavaScript
Daniel Pepin
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math, pi, algebra, algerbra
A Sample Web Application with Twitter Bootstrap, Backbone JS, RESTFul and J2EE/JPA backend.
Carmine Carella
1 response
backbonejs, restful, jpa, j2ee
Error failed to open stream in Code Igniter
David (Josh)
0 responses
php, apache, ci, code igniter
Nice compact and colorized git log
1 response
git log, git