Popular Programming Tips
WordPress multisite migration checklist
Austin Ginder
2 responses
migration, checklist, multisite, wordpress
Accessing the XHR object in jQuery's $.ajax
Robert Martone
0 responses
$.ajax, xhr, jquery, javascript
Mock/stub your requirejs dependecies
Andreas Köberle
3 responses
requirejs, unit-test, mock, stub
tail file to Sublime Text
Tymon Tobolski
0 responses
shell, sublime, log
Using Terminal to Open Git Repositories in SourceTree
Franklin Strube
1 response
terminal, osx, git, sourcetree
Typo3 Language switch inside DCE Fluidtemplate
Benedikt Lang
1 response
dce, typo3, language, fluid
How to maintain a user session after a password change using Devise
Bill Eisenhauer
0 responses
rails, session, devise, change password
Rendering html pdf report for printing from UIWebView
0 responses
pdf, printing, uiwebview, ios
Optimal zoom level in google maps
Jeroen Rosenberg
0 responses
coffeescript, zoom, google maps
Set up a Mac for Ruby Dev
Gleb Mazovetskiy
1 response
ruby, osx
Wrap width/right margin in Sublime Text
Martin Runelöv
0 responses
sublime text, sublimetext, wrap, margin
Read File Contents - iOS & Swift
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ios, xcode, swift
Showing "loading" in Meteor
Benjamin Harris
0 responses
meteor, javascript
Dealing with Alt+Space (non-breakable space) in Sublime Text 2 on OS X
4 responses
sublime, mac, os x, sublime text 2
A Python crash course in scraping websites and indexing in Elasticsearch
Simon Pantzare
0 responses
python, scraping, elasticsearch
Force Cache-Refresh at CloudFront with virtual versioning
Thomas Puppe
0 responses
cache, cdn, .htaccess, cloudfront
Use ILMerge /internalize to avoid version conflicts & simplify deployment
Marcos Meli
2 responses
.net, postbuild, ilmerge
KMeans Clustering and Color Quantization with OpenCV-Python
Abid Rahman K
0 responses
python, image, opencv, processing
Improved PlayerPrefs for Unity
Bruno Mikoski
0 responses
mobile, game, unity, game development
Calculate Pi using python
0 responses
python, mathematics
Deep Copy object in Javascript
2 responses
javascript, programming, learning
The rmagick gem trouble on linux
Igor Moiseev
2 responses
ruby, rails, gem, gcc