Popular Programming Tips
3 Tips To Building Enterprise Grade Angular/Node Applications
2 responses
angularjs, nodejs, enterprise application
Inserting Text Repeatedly in Vim
Rajeev N Bharshetty
0 responses
vim, tips
List Comprehension in PHP
Rafael Silva
0 responses
php, python, list comprehension
Connect to remote MongoDB with your CLI
Suroor Wijdan
0 responses
cli, authentication, connection, mongo
into to angular ui-router
Connor Leech
0 responses
javascript, angular.js, angular, ui-router
Use npm test, but also npm run-script test
Chris Manson
3 responses
testing, npm, mocha, nodejs
Whitelist Facebook/Twitter to test your Open Graph and Twitter Card implementations
0 responses
facebook, apache, whitelisting, ip-block
Bubble Sort in Ruby
Maynard Cabalitan
2 responses
ruby, algorithms
Different ways to call a method in Ruby
Jack Weiss
1 response
ruby, functions, metaprogramming, methods
waitOn and Multiple subscriptions in iron-router
Yoza Wiratama
3 responses
javascript, iron-router, meteorjs, subscribe
A simple RESTful client in PHP
Michael Dyrynda
0 responses
php, rest, phpfog, trakt
Getting RMagick working with Mountain Lion
Pedro Rodrigues
4 responses
ruby, rails, osx, brew
Use NetBeans Platform, don't reinvent the wheel!
0 responses
swing, netbeans platform
Colorful stripes made with linear-gradients
Tim Pietrusky
0 responses
css, linear-gradient, background
Multiple github accounts in one computer
Mariz Melo
0 responses
ssh, git, github
Multi-line Ruby block in Haml
Ryan L'Italien
0 responses
ruby, rails, haml, syntax
Rails 4 - How to use method_missing and action_missing as allies
Camilo Zambrano
0 responses
ruby, dynamic, methods, method
Copy base64 version of file to your clipboard
Derryl Carter
4 responses
css, command line, openssl, base64
Changing the default folder name when using Save for Web in Photoshop
Robert Dougan
1 response
photoshop, save for web
var_dump($var_object) equivalent in Ruby
Nino Paolo Amarillento
0 responses
ruby, php, inspect, var_dump
Django Management Commands, Exit Codes and Testing your own apps
Luke Scott
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tags, comma separated
Maxim Kalina
0 responses
spring, annotation, aop
HTML contact form
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