Popular Programming Tips
Using CIE-LCh for better color blending
Adam Luptak
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Metro buttons, forms and more for Twitter Bootstrap
Michael Musgrove
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Image batch resize in node.js
Vincent Voyer
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Display date ranges in text in Rails
Michel Billard
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Higgs boson explained
Bashir Eghbali
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Sending application context to asynctask
Luis Alberto Durazo Arvizu
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How to open and save files in visual c++ using StreamWriter
Harry Gogonis
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Display flash messages with Semantic-UI in Rails
Sebastián González
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How to reload ZSH aliases
Catalin Ilinca
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zsh, alias, reload
Redirecting embedded controllers in Symfony2
Steffan Harries
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symfony, controllers, embedded, redirects
Check running time of long processes in Linux
Rafael Calsaverini
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UIImageView+AFNetworking & NSCache a Warning from Warnings
Richard S
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FactoryGirl syntax sugar for MiniTest
Phil Cohen
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Solve phpmyadmin path problems behind (apache) proxy
Dominique Sandoz
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Flat UI HTML Elements for Twitter Bootstrap - free
Michael Musgrove
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bootstrap, webdesignpop
Add/remove user from groups in unix
Mariz Melo
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How to hide SELECT dropdown's arrow in Firefox with "-moz-appearance: none;"
João Cunha
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Dynamic element size via CSS position manipulation
Elad Shechter
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css, web design, javascript
Speed up your already speedy Vim development
Chris McKinnel
7 responses
vim, productivity
Mobile Bookmark Bubble
Kevin Perrine
1 response
javascript, android, ios
RubyMine 6.0 Remote Ruby SDK + debugging
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ruby, debugging, vagrant, rubymine
Android webview and device orientation changing
Julio Betta
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android, mobile, webview
Short url token generator
Josemar Luedke
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Installing 32 bit Eagle CAD on 64 bit Ubuntu/Debian
James Harton
1 response
linux, eagle, debian, ubuntu