Why nobody saw my comment? Yes, you can use Dropbox Datastore API, and/or Google Drive API, or more simply, use http://nimbusbase.com/ :) Seriously check it out, I would like to have your feedback on that :)
Hey guys, it is part of the unhosted movement!
I personally like the NimbusBase approach : http://nimbusbase.com/
I think it can be nice, I'm thinking about to implement some quick tests, before running the actual full list of tests.
For me, it would be :
- If there is a spec or a feature modified, run it.
- If there is a controller modified, run the associated spec and feature.
- If there is a model modified, run the associated spec and feature.
- If there is a view modified, run the associated features.
It doesn't cover all the cases, but the basics ones.
One more thing, I think you could drastically improve performance by 1st building a list of files, and then passing it to rspec. (If you have a lot of files, you'll load rspec and rails just once.)
What about git stash and pop? http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Tools-Stashing
No, not yet.
But the issue I found is that you can't share script with mac community, but you can with the linux community. It's more a feature than a bug in my opinion!
I would like to push a meteor app, and have a cron with python :) I'm sure it's possible, but
- do you use chef to provision?
- do you plan to support meteor?
I'm here, typing M
but it doesn't work :-/
also :
chef-client --node-name "Jenkins" --log_level debug
Nope, just with ruby :)
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, great! Thanks man!