Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· midi-abdel

When MS Exchange Fails to synchronize

In MS Exchange Server 2010, if you have Short Message Service (SMS) message that have empty To or from fields on the the device, when you try to synchronize the device with the mailbox, the following error is logged in the Application log on the Client Access Server :

Time: <var>Time</var>
ID: 4999 
Level: Error 
Source: MSExchange Common 
Machine: <var>Computer</var> 
Message: Watson report about to be sent for process id: <var>Process ID</var>, 
   with parameters: E12, <var>Build Type</var>, <var>Version Number</var>, AirSync, 
   MSExchange ActiveSync, Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.SchemaConverter
   UnexpectedCondition:ArgumentNullException, 0, <var>Version Number</var>. 
ErrorReportingEnabled: False

An ArgumentNullException exception is thrown and the sync fails because Exchange ActiveSync does not handle the empty To and Form correctly during the synchronization.

To fix this issue, you should install this update : 2803727