Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· hrabbit

Typing shortcuts

As referred to in this (thanks Oscar Godson).

Here is my own list of odd/useful short cuts.

Most programs (programming, word-processing, terminals) which allow for word processing of some type (large amounts of text), allow for basic short cuts to just around a document. These are often overlooked as the alternative and quite often instinctive response is to grab the mouse and start clicking. As an avid believer of "the keyboard should do everything", I find the following commands really helpful.

Ctrl+left - Jump to the start of the current word.
Ctrl+right - Jump to the end of the current/next word.
Ctrl+backspace - Delete to the start of the current word.
Ctrl+delete - Delete to the end of the current word
Ctrl+shift+left - Highlight to the start of the current word.
Ctrl+shift+right Highlight to the end of the current word.

There short cuts work in almost every text editing tool that I use (The mac often substitutes the Ctrl key for the command key).

I am pretty sure there are heaps more of these but these are the ones I use on a very very common basis.

Hope this helps somebody.