Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· yitsushi

Bitbucket hoot for Dokuwiki


When we started to actualise our company documentations then I made a quick DokuWiki. It's awesome and I like it. I would like to display the latest commits on the "start" page of projects. So here is my Bitbucket hook:

 * Filename: git-hook.php
 * Author: Balazs Nadasdi <>
define('DEST', 'data/pages/code/git-hook/');

$payload = json_decode($_POST['payload']);

if (!empty($payload->commits)) {
  $projectSlug  = $payload->repository->slug;
  $projectOwner = $payload->repository->owner;

  define('PROJECTFILE', $projectOwner . "-" . $projectSlug);

  foreach ($payload->commits as $commit) {
    $branch     = $commit->branch;
    $rawAuthor  = $commit->raw_author;
    $date       = $commit->timestamp;
    $message    = $commit->message;
    $node       = $commit->node;
    $rawNode    = $commit->raw_node;

    if ($branch === 'master' || isset($commit->branches) && in_array('master', $commit->branches)) {
      $original = file_get_contents(DEST . PROJECTFILE . "-commits.txt");
      $content  = "=== [" . $date . "] " . $rawAuthor . " ===\n";
      $content .= "\n";
      $content .= "  " . preg_replace("/\n/", "\n  ", $message) . "\n";
      $content .= "\n";
      $content .= "**Commit:** [[" . $projectOwner . "/" . $projectSlug . "/commits/" . $rawNode . "|" . $node . "]]\n\n";

      $content .= $original;
      file_put_contents(DEST . PROJECTFILE . "-commits.txt", $content);

Add a POST hook to "". Now it saves the changes under DEST. With the simple include plugin we can include our changes with {{page>..:git-hook:OWNER-PROJECTSLUG}}.