Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· hako

bcp - neat file copying on a LAN.

Stumbled across a nice alternative (for me) to rcp and a neat way in transferring files on a LAN.

bcp - Broadcast copy - "An easy way to copy files between terminals or computers on a local network."

The usage of bcp is relatively easy:

Sending a file:

$ ./bcp [filename]

Receiving a file:

$ ./bcp

Usefully, I've used this to transfer my projects to my Raspberry Pi in headless mode.

The code and more examples is over at Github:

And you can install bcp with a oneliner:

$ bash -c "mkdir /tmp/bcp && cd /tmp/bcp && curl -L# | tar zx --strip 1 && make install"

Hope this was useful! :]