Chrome Cache in RamDisk on OS X
Simple script to create a RamDisk and symlink Chrome's cache folder to it. Best used with the included plist to run on user login before Chrome runs.
Written by Alan Ivey
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5 Responses

works in mountain lion? great looking site btw.

hmm.. doesn't look like it's working. I'm monitoring the size of /Volumes/RamDiskCache using "du -h ." while watching 1080p youtube videos and it's still only showing about 100MB after two 5 minute videos...

I'm looking at ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome and it looks like the bulk of stuff is stored there no? Any harm in moving this to the RAMDisk and symbolic linking it?

On second the thoughts probably not a good idea since some permanent preferences are stored there. Any other ideas on reducing lag? The problem I'm facing is that when chrome has not been the foreground app for a while, then immediately after switching to it, mouse and key presses do not respond for a good 1 or 2 seconds. This happens even tough my apps and os are on an Ssd. Any ideas?

@thetrystero re: your second comment: YouTube videos are sent straight to the browser without caching, I think. I'm not entirely sure how Chrome's cache is determined. And, re: your fourth comment: I don't think the lag has to do with the RAMDisk; others and myself have been using this script for months and not had that symptom. I'd look at your plugins and extensions and troubleshoot by disabling one at a time until the problem goes away.