Last Updated: May 31, 2021
· faulancer

ajaxupload.js - ajaxify your forms and file uploads

I'm happy to say that we just open sourced some of our javascript source code: ajaxuploads.js

A jQuery plugin to handle ajax forms and uploads.


// ajaxify a form (also <input type="file">)

    // events
    "loadstart": function(){},
    "load": function(){},
    "loadend": function(){},
    "progress": function(){},
    "complete": function(){},
    "readystatechange": function(){}

// enable an element to upload files on drag'n drop

    "action": '',
    "single": false,
    "method": 'POST',
    "params": {},

    // events
    "before": function(options){},
    "loadstart": function(){},
    "load": function(){},
    "loadend": function(){},
    "progress": function(){},
    "complete": function(){},
    "allcomplete": function(){},
    "readystatechange": function(){}

Notice: Only supported by modern browsers.