The jQuery slideToggle() Jump
the basic problem is:
you implement a basic slideToggle() but it jumps before it get to the bottom. It's based on jQuery working out the height wrong as it goes through its animation.
A quick fix is to simply add a fixed width to the element. But that doesn't help with responsive sites!
After much trial and error i found that if i added an each function to work out the height of each of my elements then this would sort it. But it worked out the height wrong as well! Nightmare!
What i did find is that if i didn't have my elements set to display:none at the start then it would slide perfectly with the correct heights. So i created this tiny function which works out the heights and then hides the elements. Also useful for those without js as the elements will be visible.
$('.your-element').each(function() {
$height = $(this).height();
$(this).css('height', $height);
$('.your-handler').click(function () {
Written by Daniel Hodkinson
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6 Responses
Nice tips, I experienced this before ... one thing I don't like is hiding my element with js - so I wonder if your solution will work when hiding with css.

You absolute star. Tried lot's of other "fixes", this is the only one that actually worked. Might be because the issue was on a responsive site which the others didn't consider.

Thank you so much! This worked perfectly. Appreciated.

Are you sure this "jump" you are experiencing isn't being provoked by the flickering of margin collapse caused by the inline styles(overflow:hidden; padding-top: etc..) jquery injects on the element being animated?
In which case the more elegant solution would be to remedy your css.

Thank you so much!!!

Thanks a lot, bro! Worked like a charm :)