Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· viktorbezdek

Ghostentista - Free Ghost Theme

Ghostentista Project Status

Theme for Ghost Blogging Platform

version 0.6

Responsive, asynchronous, content centric theme for Ghost. Inspired by my own WordPress theme Kontentista (not quite finished). Built using modern web technologies and with a help of LESS preprocessor. Tested on IE9+, Chrome Firefox, Safari, iOS7 and Android 4.3 on Nexus 7.



  • Responsive (images, videos included)
  • Optimal letters per line for great reading experience
  • Simple configuration in assets/js/config.js
  • Prism code highlighting
  • Related articles under posts
  • Fluid width video embeds
  • Social sharing
  • Animations and modern layout approach

Coming soon

  • Menu for pages
  • Theme Builder (choose font, colors...)
  • Developer version (Grunt built, Bower packages support, Auto-wired RequireJS)

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over 1 year ago ·