Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· maxcan

tmux + dark on light colors for coding in the sun

If you're like me, you like two things that hate each other - being outside and coding on my macbook pro, usually with colorscheme with light text on a dark background. Unfortunately, Apple seems to believe that the purpose of a laptop display outdoors is principally to serve as a mirror rather than displaying anything useful. Having white text on a black background only exacerbates that problem.

Dark text on a light background; however, does mitigate reflection issues a bit. So, my solution is to maintain two profiles in iTerm (though any terminal emulator can do this). The default profile is white on black and my backup "sunlight" profile is black on white with slightly larger fonts. Using tmux extensively makes this even easier. When I go outside, I simply open up my sunlight profile, run tmux attach and my environment is right there as I left it but much more visible.