Last Updated: March 05, 2018
· kerrick

Keyboard shortcuts I use every day in tmux

  • ^b then c to create a new window

  • ^b then n to switch to the next window

  • ^b then , then [type something] then to rename the current window

  • ^b then % to split the current window into panes vertically

  • ^b then " to split the current window into panes horizontally

  • ^b then to move to the above pane (works for all four arrows)

  • ^b then q to show pane numbers, then (optionally) the number to switch to that pane

  • ^b then ⎇↑ to resize the current pane up (works for all four arrows)

  • ^b then x to kill the current pane (or window if it only has one pane)

  • ^b then [ to enter copy mode, then four arrow keys to move, even past the visible point, which is great for scrolling--I don't use it much for copying/pasting.

8 Responses
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What is this key: ⎇↑

over 1 year ago ·

It's the ALT key.

over 1 year ago ·

What is ⌤ ?

over 1 year ago ·

it's the Ctrl key

over 1 year ago ·

What is love?

over 1 year ago ·

Baby don't hurt me

over 1 year ago ·

No more.

over 1 year ago ·

Whats the function of Ctrl when renaming a window? Seems to do nothing when I do it.. simply hitting enter after typing the name works. So why use Ctrl? Im guessing it has some neat trick

over 1 year ago ·