Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· keyboardcowboy

SCSS Mixin for a Lined Paper Effect

Add horizontal lines or rules under each line of text in a block to make it appear like lined paper.

This mixin uses SCSS and requires the Bourbon library to generate the cross-browser background, but with a little tweaking you could remove that dependency.

First, define the mixin:

// Apply a background to simulate lined paper.
// - height: The line height or rule of the lined paper.
// - color: The line color;
// - extra: Number of extra, blank lines to add after the text.
// - thick: Scale up the line thickness.
@mixin lined-paper($height, $color, $extra: 0, $thick: 1) {
  $thickness: percentage(1 - ((.05 * $thick) / ($height / ($height * 0 + 1))));

  @include linear-gradient(top, transparent 0, transparent $thickness, $color $thickness, $color 100%);
  background-repeat: repeat-y;
  background-size: 100% $height;
  background-position: 0 (-.15 * $height);
  line-height: $height;
  padding-bottom: $height * $extra;

Then, implement it:

p {
  @include lined-paper(2em, #4ab6bb, 3);

The result:
