Last Updated: January 29, 2019
· elis

Nil/Ayen Theme for Sublime Text 2

If you're like me, than you're infatuated with Sublime Text 2. Most people use the default theme or the Soda theme (dark or light), the Soda theme is particularly nice since the default one is rather lame, but for those who seek something more from their Sublime editor, check out Nil/Ayen (Nil for dark, Ayen for light) theme.

It looks great, saves a bunch of pixels in the UI on stuff like tab padding and margin, and generally looks a little more "high-tech", and somehow reminds me of Visual Studio UI lately.

Just now started using it, so I might change my mind, but it looks lovely and the active Tab is much more prominent on Nil rather that on Soda.

Check it out:

To install: search for Nil/Ayen in the package manager (CTRL+SHIFT+P => Package control: install packages => input Nil (for dark theme) or Ayen (for light theme))

In your user preferences JSON add/change the theme value to: "theme": "Nil.sublime-theme",