Last Updated: May 15, 2019
· paranoida

Custom jQuery Selectors using Expressions


Below you can find my code snippets. I always wanted to use something more that standard jq and css selectors (:eq, :first, :last, etc). I've learnt how can I do that and now I share it with you. Many people don't use it because they don't know how.


1 - Simple Expression

// standard approach:

// custom selector:
jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[':'], {
  icon: function(el) {
    var c = el.className.toLowerCase(); 
    return c.match("icon")

// much better

2 - Expression + as a function

// standard approach:

// custom selector/function:
jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[':'], {
  icon: function(el, index, meta) {
    var c = el.className.toLowerCase(); 
    return meta[3] ? ( c.match("icon") && c.match(meta[3])) : c.match("icon")

// much better

3 - Expression - debug mode

// debug mode:
jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[':'], {
  debug: function(el, index, meta) {
    console.log("--- debug ---");
    console.log("element: ", el);
    console.log("index: ", index);
    console.log("meta: ", meta);
    console.log("--- /debug ---");
    return el.nodeName.toLowerCase()==="span";


4. More Examples

// $("").attr("data-button", "new-repo");

jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[':'], {
  button: function(el, index, meta) {
    return el.nodeName.toLowerCase()==="a"&&el.className.match("button")&&el.dataset.button===meta[3];

// much better