Last Updated: September 09, 2019
· kostyadubinin

Ruby on Rails Flash messages with Foundation

There is a nice tip of how to do this with Bootstrap, But if you are using Foundation, here is how you can do the same with Foundation.

Add the following method to the ApplicationHelper:

def foundation_flash_class(level)
    case level.to_sym
    when :notice    then "alert-box"
    when :alert     then "alert-box warning"
    when :success   then "alert-box success"
    when :info      then "alert-box info"
    when :error     then "alert-box alert"
    when :secondary then "alert-box secondary"

and then add the following to the layout:

- flash.each do |key, value|
  .alert-box{class: foundation_flash_class(key)}(data-alert)
    = value
    %a.close{href:"#"} ×