Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· okor

Generate a sorted list of unique domains used to load assets on a web page

Requires LoDash or Underscore and Google Chrome. After loading the page, execute the following:

var domainStats =, function(e){ 
  return { domain:\:\/\/|https\:\/\//)[1].split('/')[0] };

var uniqueDomainStats = _.uniq(domainStats, function(stat) { 
    return stat.domain;

var sortedUniqueDomainStats = _.sortBy(uniqueDomainStats, function(stat){
  return stat.domain;


Which will generate something that looks like this:


2 Responses
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Nice ideia.

I wrote my own version without the lodash/underscore dependency.

over 1 year ago ·

Even better. I was lazy since they are typically already loaded for the stuff I do day to day. But for a snippet like this, removing dependencies is a great idea.

over 1 year ago ·