Switching from vertical to horizontal split in vim
I use vertical split windows all the time in vim (working on a 16:9 laptop I have plenty of horizontal space), but sometimes I need the readibility of horizontal splits.
To switch just type:
Ctrl+W t
Ctrl+W K
(lowercase t and capital K)
Back to vertical:
Ctrl+W t
Ctrl+W H
(lowercase t and capital H)
Source: http://www.mail-archive.com/vim@vim.org/msg11206.html
link contains detailed explanation
Written by Lorenzo Novaro
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1 Response

To note, Ctrl+w t brings you to the top left screen. You can do Ctrl+w K and Ctrl+w H from any screen with any number of screens. Behaves interestingly when you have both vertical and horizontal screens. If you have more than 2 vertical screens and you hit Ctrl+w H, it will rotate the screen you're on with any screens to the left of that in a queue sort of way. Example, you have screens A B C, you hit Ctrl+w H on screen C, you end up with C A B.