Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· felipelavinz

Generate "Lorem ipsum" text with Emmet and SublimeText

Emmet it's the newer incarnation of ZenCoding, a method of quickly generating HTML from CSS-like syntax, and it's neatly integrated into SublimeText and many other popular editors.

You can use it to generate "Lorem ipsum..." text with abbreviations, like:

lorem expands to Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aspernatur, non, quos voluptas vel earum unde laboriosam qui optio asperiores nesciunt sed voluptatibus quae harum nisi iure sapiente numquam quo minus.

p*4>lorem expands to four paragraphs of "lorem ipsum"

ul>li*4>lorem expands to an unordered list with 4 elements of "lorem ipsum"

You can also define the number of words on a given "lorem ipsum" block:

ol>li*3>lorem5 expands to an ordered list with 3 elements with five words of "lorem ipsum" each

Very useful!