Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· beuretv

One page div scroll

you can see an application on :

you JS

window.onload = function(){
//positionement du block contenu
var hHeight = document.body.clientHeight/10;
var wWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
document.getElementById('reception').style.width = wWidth + "px";
document.getElementById('actual').style.width = wWidth + "px";
document.getElementById('content').style.width = wWidth*2 + "px";
document.getElementById('actual').innerHTML = document.getElementById('accueil').innerHTML;

window.onresize = function(){
//positionement du block contenu
var hHeight = document.body.clientHeight/10;
var wWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
document.getElementById('reception').style.width = wWidth + "px"; 
document.getElementById('actual').style.width = wWidth + "px";
document.getElementById('content').style.width = wWidth*2 + "px";


function scrolltoDiv(id_divto){
//check if div must mouve

var contentDiv = document.getElementById(id_divto).innerHTML;

document.getElementById('reception').innerHTML = contentDiv;

if(document.getElementById('reception').offsetLeft == window.pageXOffset){



var Divabord = setInterval(function(){

var currentPos = window.pageXOffset;

var destinatPos = document.getElementById('reception').offsetLeft;

var calcPos = parseInt(destinatPos)-(currentPos);

    //vitesse initiale du scroll
var x = 25;

//smoot a end

var xu = 25;

var xul =  parseInt(currentPos)+(xu);

    //incrementation de la vitesse
    var incrementX;

    // on va a droite
if(currentPos < destinatPos){

    if(xul > destinatPos){

        x= 1;


        var incrementX = x++;

        positionX =  parseInt(currentPos)+(incrementX);


    //on va a gauche
if(currentPos > destinatPos){

        if(xul < destinatPos){

            x= 1;


        var incrementX = x++;

        positionX =  parseInt(currentPos)-(incrementX);



if(document.getElementById('reception').offsetLeft == window.pageXOffset){

    document.getElementById('reception').id = "actual_wait";
    document.getElementById('actual').id = "reception";
    document.getElementById('actual_wait').id = "actual";
    document.getElementById('reception').innerHTML = "";





you html

<div class="page" id="actual"></div>

<div class="page" id="reception"></div>

But il you want a more smooty result replace :

 // on va a droite
if(currentPos < destinatPos){



    //on va a gauche
  if(currentPos > destinatPos){



and add this before clearInterval :


if you use the second methode use setTimeout not setInterval :)