jquery.data() does not manipulate the dom
or Why you should not (be careful) use data attribute in selectors.
While I was working with the $().data()</code>
function of the jquery library, me and my colleague @smas realized that data is not actually manipulating the DOM but stores the changes in the $.cache</code>.
That actually can stop you from using data attribute in a selector, because you wont get the proper results.
For example, oen your browsers console and address the following code:
$('body').append("<div id='test' data-id='15' ></div");
$('#test').data('id'); //Returns 15
$('#test').data('id', 20);
$('#test').data('id'); //Returns 20
//Now if you try to use data as selector
$('div[data-id=20]'); //Nothing will be returned
$('div[data-id=15]'); // Will get you the "proper" element
$('div[data-id=15]').data('id'); //Will return 20 :)
This acutally can be found in the jquery 1.6.3 release changelog ( under Better handling of HTML5 data attribute names ).
Remember, however, that the $().data() API only reads the HTML5 data- attributes initially, and does not keep subsequent data changes in sync with attributes for performance reasons. To update the actual attributes in the HTML markup, use .attr().
Written by Dimitrios Meggidis
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2 Responses

Thanks for the helpful clarification!