Dump all variables
For debugging purposes it can be useful to not just dump hostvars but also all other variables and group information. You can do this using a jinja template which you could include in a debug task, like so:
- name: Dump all vars
action: template src=templates/dumpall.j2 dest=/tmp/ansible.all
Then in dumpall.j2:
Module Variables ("vars"):
{{ vars | to_nice_json }}
Environment Variables ("environment"):
{{ environment | to_nice_json }}
GROUP NAMES Variables ("group_names"):
{{ group_names | to_nice_json }}
GROUPS Variables ("groups"):
{{ groups | to_nice_json }}
HOST Variables ("hostvars"):
{{ hostvars | to_nice_json }}
The capability to dump vars and environment vars was enabled by this commit: https://github.com/robparrott/ansible/commit/81e2d871aa9a9fe8fce757c5b1c139b18db361f2
Written by Lester Wade
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8 Responses

Awesome trick. :)


Great work! I put this in Ansbile Galaxy for easy re-use.


So helpful! Ansible is really opaque and this helps crack open its internals. Thanks.

Is anybody having issues with this on 1.8.2. "tojson" works but "tonice_json" seems to be doing some extra interpolation and breaks

Keep coming back here, damn useful tip!
Now a module on github! https://github.com/f500/ansible-dumpall
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