Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· munday

TFS in Sublime Text 2

First, if you don't have Sublime Package Control get it, it's awesome. (

After that just ctrl+shift+p and pick "Package Control: Install Package" (I just type "Install" and hit enter, letting the autocomplete do it's magic.) Then select "Sublime TFS"

Once installed, check the settings (Preferences->Package Settings->Sublime TFS->Settings - Default (and/or Settings - User) and make sure they point to the proper TF.exe folder

That's it, the plugin is a little feature lacking, but it gets the job done for basic operations like checking in/out, adding, deleting, undoing, etc.

3 Responses
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Where I can find this plugin for Sublime Text 3 and any help/documentation available for this plugin.

over 1 year ago ·

It says for Windows Only, I work on a dual environment but use Visual Studio on the windows side and Sublime Text on the mac side (which means checking out files in Windows, editing on mac) does anybody know of a solution for the Mac side of things?

over 1 year ago ·

I use WebStorm on a Mac with the TFS plugin. Its been very good for me.

over 1 year ago ·