Joined February 2013

Nícolas Lazarte Kaqui

Chief technology office at

@kikito I think this solves

:%s/\(\w*\): \([':]\)/:\1 => \2/gc

not apply in this case {:foo? => bar}

little change in command to fix this

$ find . -name \*.rb -exec perl -p -i -e 's/([^:]):(\w+?*)\s*=>/\1\2:/g' {} \;

@woto i understood, i updated the tip to ignore this cases
thkz (:

@woto {:'a' => 'b'} === {:a => 'b'} === {a: 'b'}

@thenickcox thkz, i agree with this title is so much clearer :)

@oelmekki oh, thanks for the suggestion i changed the title of protip

@oelmekki dpkg is the software at the base of the Debian package management system, what linux distro you use? (:

@drabiter you can save your settings backing up the directory /etc

Posted to Git - Deleting remote branch over 1 year ago

@ashutoshraina no, what I said is right, this action was included since version 1.5.0 look here

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