Joined August 2012

Mark Vaughn

Developer at Offline Ltd

Posted to When Composer Cannot Allocate Memory over 1 year ago

Sure there's a limit, and of course when it really is necessary you should upgrade. However right now the only time the memory errors occurred are when running composer with a lot of dependencies and so this is just for those of us who are on a budget and want to get the most out of a micro instance ;)

if you can't modify your virtual hosts file you can try modifying your .htaccess file to redirect the content

Thanks @tschuermans, good to know the correct term. Why am I not surprised this can break in IE6? Not that that would stop me :D

Is this really the "fastest" way or just the most convenient? :D

Maybe elaborate what's going on here? maybe a less cryptic example?

Posted to Follow organizations on GitHub over 1 year ago

Follow Organization Bookmarklet

javascript:$.post(""+$('.js-username').data('name')); void 0
Posted to Don't overuse $(this) over 1 year ago

@idered hehe, true, I copy pasted this code directly from a jQuery plugin to make my point.

Posted to Don't overuse $(this) over 1 year ago

@hannesg I didn't even check if someone else previously posted it, I just keep running into this on open source projects, I was thinking it was worth mentioning again

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