Joined August 2012

Maikel Daloo

Senior Web Developer
Sydney, Australia

# Handling files that are to be assumed unchanged.
ignore = update-index --assume-unchanged
uningore = update-index --no-assume-unchanged
ignored = !git ls-files -v | grep '^[a-z]'

# Pull and push from the current branch
sync = "!f(){ local branch=`git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e \"s/* \\(.*\\)/\\1/\"`; git pull origin $branch && git push origin $branch; }; f"

# Display 'git describe' and latest 5 tags
taggings = "!f(){ echo 'Describe: '; git describe; echo 'Latest 5 tags: '; git tag | sort -V | tail -5; }; f"

# Switch to latest tag
latest-tag = "!f(){ local latest=`git tag | sort -V | tail -1`; git checkout $latest; }; f"
Posted to Better git status output over 1 year ago

That's neat.

Posted to Retrieve user IP address over 1 year ago

Wow.. Your comment is very helpful for anyone who's trying to implement a feature based on user IP.

Thanks for the response and explanation :)

FYI, 'git co' won't work for everyone. Unless they've set up the aliases. Might be worth mentioning :)

Git Flow is a great way to work with Git as well.

Posted to git whatchanged over 1 year ago

Very handy :)

According to your title, I think it should be:
input:focus {
outline: none;

Posted to Retrieve user IP address over 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback.

I've done a bit of research to find a solid way of retrieving a user's IP, but it seems to be a whole lot more complicated than it should be.

Would you have a source that I could look into?
I'm just looking for a simple/solid way to get a user's IP.

Most of the frameworks give a way to get the IP, but this is just a standalone thing that could come in handy one day :)

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