Joined August 2012

John Antoni Griffiths

Developer at UXGent Limited
Toronto, Canada

Really nice work. will try using this.

Thanks for correcting me, you're right

Thanks for the extra tip, that'll make switching between branches easier

Cool, just a little change, great tip!

# show last 10 branches worked on
recent-branches="!git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate --count=10 --format='%(refname:short)' refs/heads/"
Posted to Bullshit Interviewers over 1 year ago

if have to agree with carlodicelico, if you really love what you do then you'll go out of your way to prove it. maybe with talks, code, plugins or whatever. this background information alone should be enough to veto them technically, the interview shouldn't be about getting them to do some obscure piece of code they're totally not prepared for it should be about meeting them in a non-stressful environment so that you can see how they really tick, bring em into an interview environment and they're already not themselves and defensive. whenever i interview someone i do exactly that, invite them to lunch, or get the team to go out for a picnic with the new guy, if they gel then it's a done deal.


was having a hell of a time fixing popups in portrait that work fine for landscape, this just solves the problem.

excellent stuff, thanks so much for posting.

definitely trying this out.

cool, any chance of a screenshot?

as someone who just made the switch from janus to vundle i'd highly recommend using vundle to manage your vim plugins. way more simpler and keeps you in control as your jedi skills grow

Posted to git pull --rebase over 1 year ago

believe so, just a little simpler to use.

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