I meant the whole setup. As long as i've used vim it always indented xml correctly without having to setup xmllint
. Or am I missing something? :-?
@klvtz Thanks, meanwhile I use a script for that (http://makandracards.com/jan0sch/15473-script-to-update-vim-pathogen-and-bundles).
@magnetikonline There was a reason why I didn't use it as default. Although I can't remember it anymore. ;-) I believe it was due to a bug several git versions back.
@pmiossec Great hint! I've updated my gist accordingly. Really great if you happen to have a lot of branches.
@jaccus With shell aliases you never know with which commands they may collide if you use (or are forced to use) a lot of different platforms and shells. Therefore I reduced my shell aliases to a bare minimum.
But if you're always on the same kind of plattform/environment I would also go for shell aliases because they're much shorter. :-)
@fernandoperigolo Thanks for the link. There are some nice aliases there. :-)
@dpashkevich I know about the private windows. What I meant is that the several tabs within a private window are not completely isolated of each other. I usually have a normal and a private window open, but I have often to close the later from time to time because some cookies or session stuff seems to remain from private browsing.
@dpashkevich Thanks for the info. Good to see that the chrome dev tools are finally catching up. The one thing I started to miss recently was that private tabs in the old opera ran in total isolation of each other. This seems not to be the case with chrome. :-|
@dpashkevich Dragonfly had decent javascript debugging and a search box that would let you search not only by text but by css selector or xpath.
Nice work!
@hauleth: I also do most stuff via :e
but if you have a bloated project source tree the NERDtree can come in quite handy.
Why not gg:=$
? :-)
Very evil, I like it. ;-)
Great, didn't know that until now. Thanks for sharing.
Nice roundup although I prefer https://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite over gitosis.
@rkrdo But that does only work if you have your whole directory under git control which is not the case here.
@telemachus I know of the ls pitfalls but in that case it seems okay because the directory names are usually sane. ;-)
I do not have the whole .vim dir under git control therefore I usually do:
cd ~/.vim/bundle
for i in `ls`; do
cd "$i"
git pull
cd ..
You could try zencoding (https://github.com/mattn/zencoding-vim) and take that to a whole new level. ;-)
Wow, that made my day. Great! :-D
Nice, thanks for sharing.
@alesf Of course the more characters the better. Thats what I meant with "real sentences". Just hack in some verses of a poem and you should keep the brute force farm busy for some time. :D
The major problem is not the choice of characters but the length of the password. Suprisingly many services support only 12 or 16 characters maximum.
As gpu farms for cracking become affordable one should use something like pass phrases e.g. real sentences with mixed in numbers and special characters. With that you can easily reach "password lengths" of 80 chars or more.
After all its just about statistics. ;-)
Another good one:
or if you're in a rails app and are using vim-rails
You could just use the plugin https://github.com/tpope/vim-cucumber via pathogen (https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen). ;-)
Quite cool spec. Until now I've had a spec for that within the model spec. Thanks very much for sharing. :-)
Nice one.
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@frankbe Very nice one. :-)