Joined January 2013

Alex Lushpai

Software enthusiast at Intaro Soft Ltd.

Posted to Ruby files really slow in VIM? over 1 year ago

Hm... thanks!

It's will work only for php greater than 5.4.0. So, using php 5.3.x in this context is wrong.

That's cool, already add alias to my .zshrc :)

Many times developers don't have direct access to the php config file.

True, but we are talking about DB configuration file which placed in your application directory.

It would also force you to re-start Apache for changes to take effect.

For changing a db name, db user or db password? This is not a php configuration, it will change dynamically.

About abstraction from db type: PDO can resolve this problem.

Posted to Download and Tidy WordPress over 1 year ago
Posted to Download and Tidy WordPress over 1 year ago

chmod -R 0777 $1

Oh c'mon man, don't do this. Did you hear about security? For wordpress only wp-content/{plugins,themes,uploads} dirs are required to be writable. And so all the files should have the 0644 permissions.

hmm... why just don't keep database connection data in php config file?
Parsing ini files is additional costs of resources.

Nice topic, thanks.

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