Engineer in computer science
And followed by # to come back to the word you where on.
then you can map *#
to something to say higlight the occurences.
@alhafoudh yup he makes a small mistake, but not so important, every one understand.
@kablamo Thanks for the hint. I will try to use the same command api to port it to windows ;)
I used to use these command, but after switching to zsh, I can use autocompletion. so I can type 'kill (tab) (tab)' and choose by process name, or type 'kill firefox(tab)'
Python 3 is simpler: "python -m http.server 8888".
I agree with you that the SimpleHTTPServer Lower and Upper cases are difficult to remember.
Thx for this tip ! That's so a time saving tip. I can't count how many times I type :q, :wq, :e ... in the terminal.
@hauleth A tools who manage projects and environment, it's an IDE (Integrated Developpement Environment). The fact that you want to use vim or another editor doesn't change the definition ! It will be a cool IDE. Keep me up to date when you finish this project.
Yep that's the power of vim ! completely extensible. I used to r ! which python
to write the shebang.
@hauleth In brief you want to make your own IDE ;) It sounds simple, and hard at the same time.
You can do a kind of initscript to be called. But what will happen if you run two times your project
command, the originally simple script will need to handle a lot of cases (DB already up, ...)
And if you go like you suggest with a config file, you will need to design a general interface for a broad number of type of processes.
I suggest to save even more time with alias pj=project
(Yes 10 ms per time, it's a lot of beer).
Thx for the tip ! Never think to make this simple feature. Here my vim version
Nice !
Just a small precision, it does not work with list of list
and with NaN
Thx ! I was not aware of the second argument of enumerate. You mean things[idx] in your first example
That's nice ! But why python
in tags ? all is ruby tools
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You are right, but your mapping override the move one word (but if you are a real vimer you will tell me that "b", "w", or "e" do the same and you will be right!)
I'm myself not really convince, by the tinymap key solution because it introduce a small lag time. But that's the nearer to tmux way of doing that I found.