there's also fasd, which may be al little harder to setup, but makes you teleport in your filesystem.
Isn't @ mentions available in the pro tip body (like in the comments)?
@zagnaut hum, I see. But, if changing things like this would break something, I can conclude that people really rely on 'features' like this, which should be considered a crime lol
but I really hope to see a JS more consistent in the - hopefully near - future.
Mind blown with {} + [], btw.
And with [] + 10, {} + 10, and so on.
Couldn't JS specification just make sense?
misc: for when your repo is so dirty you would spend a year making semantical commits. Then you just commit everything at once.
haha just kidding!
The problem with this is that your method definition says nothing about what parameters it takes.
@sheerun I tried to like coffeescript, but until now, it didn't convinced me. Despite the fact I love ruby syntax, the coffeescript approach seems problematic sometimes :\
I like github's backticks more :\
That's interesting.
@jmarizgit still no 'this' reference :(
Still can't get methods :(
OOP depends on methods.
Cool. I never liked for anyway; happy to know it doesn't really exists :)
You can use powder to complement you're pow ux.
I really agree with self documenting code. But that's not all. I don't want to turn into a living debugger and reading every dingle line of code just to learn how to use a library. Most times I don't want to know the internals, just the interface. Imagine you, trying to learn rails, then you got stuck on some part and the only tip you get from experienced programmers is: RTFS. I bet you would lost a day just to find out where the part you are looking for is coded. And this is not just for monumental frameworks like rails; I think tiny libs should be documented as well (they're tiny, won't take too much to get the job done).
Anyway, unless your code is waaaay tiny and self explainable, supply some docs to make user's life less complicated.
Also good practice is squashing commits when merging into master. It's boring in fact, but usually makes your repo history better.
I'm using zsh and it's very cool, but really considering migrating to prezto (performace/stability reasons).
Dup: :(
you can brew install pgrep
on OSX ;p
Also pgrep handles the grep process which always appears when grepping ps aux.
ahn, didn't know that one. thanks!
In fact it's a shell feature, works with every command (very handy with man sometimes too). Thanks!
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'cause fuck readability, that's why