Back to ohmyzsh
I was good with ohmyzsh for a while (before i knew the power of the plugins), then bounced to bash again and then bash-it, now coming full circle back to ohmyzsh.
I def prefer zsh to bash and very much like ohmyzsh for all its niceties. Most notably the plugins and alias that are already written. If you're looking to push your development efficiency, I highly recommend ohmyzsh.
Quick install/restart of terminal and your off and running. best part is, you can configure only the plugins you want.
Check it out to see for yourself.
Written by Mike Farnham
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3 Responses

I'm using zsh and it's very cool, but really considering migrating to prezto (performace/stability reasons).

That looks nice. good deal of configuration you can mess with. Thanks for the link.

updated link: