Joined October 2012

Stefano Torresi

Web Developer & System Administrator at +ADD Design
Catania, IT

Posted to When to use CSS preprocessor over 1 year ago

Imo you are totally missing the point of preprocessed CSS. You have to look at it as a compiled language. Client side processing, while actually possible, is not a real option. You don't ship the source to the client, because browsers interprets just plain CSS. SASS/LESS are not Javascript, they are not meant to be interpreted runtime, they aren't intrerpreted languages at all. You use them because they give you, as a developer, a higher level of abstraction, and once you use that abstraction to ease the developing process, you compile the source and only ship the final result to the client.

I see no reason not to do that, under any circumstance.

Posted to `cat` syntax highlighting over 1 year ago

Very nice tip!

Posted to Easy input inside label in ZF2 over 1 year ago

That's what the formRow view helper is for! ;)
Mind that it wraps the label around the input only as long as you don't specify any id attribute on the form element.

actually the Zend\Mime\Part class has both type and charset properties, so the correct way would be

use Zend\Mime;

$html = new Mime\Part($text);
$html->type = Mime\Mime::TYPE_HTML;
$html->charset = 'utf-8';
Posted to PHP has standards, USE THEM! over 1 year ago

how is that related to this tip, exactly?

that can also be sorted out in a broader way using the core.autocrlf setting.

Posted to Netbeans IDE over 1 year ago

I'm sorry, @mbugua_lee, but this post sounds like a blatant and biased press release.

-"Moreover its fast and stable both on windows OS and Linux as well MAC"
no it's not, it's notoriously heavy and you won't get it running smoothly without a sh*tload of RAM.

-"a new way to get things done."
a new way? what are you talking about? there are a lot of alternatives that do exactly the same thing.

don't get me wrong, I do use Netbeans indeed, but I wouldn't ever endorse blindly like this. In the end the IDE choice comes purely to personal preference, and imo you didn't make any valid point to explain yourself.

Posted to Stop Writing Rambling Commit Messages over 1 year ago

@dpashkevich tbh that's quite irrelevant.
Firstly because if you follow the link at the end of that site, you will find a nice model for commit messages, which applies in any case. Furthermore, and fortunately I may add, a lot of git users actually use it the way it's intended to, that is from a CLI.

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