@ardianys: You can give to the security paths the route names. So for ex:
switch_user: false
context: user
pattern: .*
provider: fos_userbundle
login_path: fos_user_security_login
use_forward: false
check_path: fos_user_security_check
failure_path: null
logout: true
anonymous: true
@polsola did you cleared the cache?
Backend without saving the data?
Where is your God now?!
Nice. The most irritating thing in tmux solved! Thx
@kwn mother of god. I'm done for today. Level Double Cross Telekinesis is brain boiling stuff.
Codeintel is not so cool. Especially with MVC frameworks.
@jakubzalas there aren't any switch options for hardcore VIM users. I know that sublime to VIM is like going to McDonald's for salads.
@ex00 You can add the 1 to 1 vim key bindings. But vim was the inspiration. Btw I removed the fork sentence. Thx.
I think this is better approach: https://github.com/c9s/phpbrew
@vlakarados So can you explain why vim commands are working on sublime? It's not a direct fork. Vim isn't father but step-father for sure.
This will make developers to forget adding untracked files to repository, More broken builds. Thx But No Thx
@ramondevesag for the database just check the:
@ramondevesag You got all the translations exported per bundle to files in Resources/translations
in one of selected formats( xliff, gettext, yaml )
been there got the t-shirt.
Great work but you got a bug in the alias :) It don't work on Mondays.
standup = !"git log --reverse --branches --since='$(if [[ "Mon" == "$(date +%a)" ]]; then echo "last friday"; else echo "yesterday"; fi)' --author=$(git config --get user.email) --format=format:'%C(cyan) %ad %C(yellow)%h %Creset %s %Cgreen%d' --date=local"
You can't live without them in bigger projects.
@stof the best way to do it
@likeyn symlink is good. But I want to forget about the file :)
Git pull is dead. You bring it back to life Dr. Frankenstein ;)
The best thing that I got was the git-stats script or the gem named git-fame.
@devalien you're absolutely right!
For those who don't use github at work: https://coderwall.com/p/lxygqq
Nice work. Love that aliases. And love that explanation of the risks.
@egorovpavel I've noticed that AppFog under apache benchmark or siege has strange behaviour it goes 503 and next 404. It happend when appfog instance gets over 100% CPU load for more than one minute. So you need to create more instances. I've checked the pagodabox only one thing scares me when your DB instance needs more then free 10MB it costs a lot.
@cub3 I will buy you a beer it works! :)
No php-doc - there's no point to use.
@nathansmonk IE8 don't work
Holy shit! I'm stunned!
Debugging SMTP in debian console via Telnet is damn horrible. Thanks for this!
@cub3 thanks a lot i will use it for sure in one production site :)
I know that too well. But I can't find the solution or workaround for this.
mvasilkov is right. Results are browser dependent:
@sdepablos No problem. But I bet we will be tight on Ram soon :)
@sdepablos Maximum usage was about 60% on high-cpu have 1.7GB of ram.
good thing to avoid looking on the whitespace changes. Time saver! Thx
@FrancisVarga I was using ngnix on php-fpm but on highcpu instance with 2 cores the gain was about 10% (with 20 workers of fpm). On two nodes plus two more for traffic peaks.
APC was there can't live without.
RDS was db.m1.small.
plus ElastiCache for cache queries and forms(form generations is really heavy).
Good listing. I'am huge fan of silex. So check out mine protip about the Silex and the AppFog
No package for Ubuntu precise. What a shame.
You don't mentioned about the this Bundle https://github.com/liip/LiipFunctionalTestBundle is required.
I just created jsfiddle demo for this: http://jsfiddle.net/emgiezet/hKdq8/
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Nephila Komaci

@gpaton you're welcome!