Joined May 2011

Dr Nic Williams

CEO at Stark & Wayne
San Francisco, CA, USA

He writes blog posts for developers; creates tools, libraries and text editor extensions for developers; and speaks to developers at conferences.

He’s the CEO of Stark & Wayne, a consultancy for people who love Cloud Foundry and Jenkins.

He has contributed to over 300 open source projects. He is known for creating or curating projects such as Bosh, App Scrolls, Rails Installer, Composite Primary Keys, Choc Top, App Scrolls, Rails TextMate bundle, New Gem, Tab Tab, GitHub Badges, Install Theme for Rails, and Dr Nic’s Magic Models.

He’s Australian and now living in the Bay Area.

And he’s funny; if you can understand his accent.

LinkedIn Blog StackOverflow Speakerdeck Slideshare

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