Joined February 2012

Rob W

Developer at Return Path
Arvada, CO, United States

Posted to jQuery UI button set selected icon over 1 year ago

@comfuner not sure what you mean...

variable hoisting is what causes the second example to work differently. Here's a pretty good read about it Javascript Variable Scoping and Hoisting

Function declarations and variable declarations are always moved (“hoisted”) invisibly to the top of their containing scope by the JavaScript interpreter.

@hauleth you can always bypass the commit hooks with the '--no-verify' flag. That way if you are writing a cross browser console.log class and it needs to be there you can still check it in.

I know you borrowed the example but I just cringed at the loop. Easiest prime factorization speed up is to only check up to the square root of the number.

var check = Math.sqrt(num);
for ( var i = 2; i < check; i++ ) {
Posted to Easy Accordion in JQUERY over 1 year ago

There's also built in jQuery UI accordiains:

Which offer a bit more felxability, and nifty features. For a nice lightweight solution yours is great.

Posted to Better jQuery Performance over 1 year ago

Using multiple appends is a bad idea as it will cause a repaint (and potentially a reflow) of the DOM. A Nifty trick of the append method is that you can pass in multiple elements into one append call. I think your example would be better as:

span.append(a, '<strong>Test2</strong>', a.clone(true), a.clone(true));

though I get you were trying to show chaining as well.

If' you are using linux you can simply simply add the __git_ps1 variable.




export PS1="\t]\[\e[${ps_color}m\]\h:\w\[\e[0m\] \$(__git_ps1 '(%s)')>

Will produce something like this:

12:55:52]machineName:/home/user/dir (branchname *% u=)>

Where * means modified files exist -- from SHOWDIRTYSTATE

% means untracked files -- from SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES

u=/+/- means same/ahead/behind remote -- from SHOWUPSTREAM

Also works in firebug for Firefox :)

Posted to Indentation Primer over 1 year ago

For automatic indentation you can also use =

Posted to Autocomplete last command's param over 1 year ago

For when you forget to run sudo on a command there's

sudo !!

And for another alternative

ls !$

where !$ is also the last "word" from the last command.

Posted to Don't overuse $(this) over 1 year ago

@francisc I think you're example test it too simple. Of course it's not going to matter in an example where there is only one element the DOM. When you use $(this) it starts from the root node and then checks every node until it finds the given selector. In a real world scenario the lookups could become more expensive.

Posted to Get a file extension from file name over 1 year ago

Or php's built in function pathinfo

tried copy and paste and took me a few tries to realize the // comments were breaking the css. Might want to update to /* */ comments for valid css.

Also copied to a demo-able example on jsfiddle

Posted to Pretty git commit graph over 1 year ago

In my git config I have one for compact as well

    compact = "%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset"

Which looks something like this:

| * 6a6b662 - My Commit Message (4 hours ago) <Brombomb>

which can then be used with the



Posted to Don't overuse $(this) over 1 year ago

Also worth noting the idea of adding the $ to this to denote it is already a jquery object.

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