Joined June 2013

Jaco Groenewald

PHP Developer at Intoweb
Johannesburg Area, South Africa

Posted to Jquery Radio buttonset allow deselect over 1 year ago

+1 for chaining, I generally don't like putting $(this) in a variable but I guess it would make it a bit clearer what you are operating on. Thanks for the comment. Do you know if chaining has any performance advantage?

+1 for automation. If a computer can do it, why should you.

Posted to Adding comments to JSON over 1 year ago

In this scenario, a comment in the code would not have helped me debug the response, I needed to see the query that was ran to generate the json. This way made it nice and readable in chrome's console and as a bonus it didn't mess up the user experience.

Posted to PHP logical operators as expressions over 1 year ago

Using the operators this way will hinder the maintainability of the code.I'm sure it has it's place, but I don't think simplifying code is it.