To find the broadcast address of an interface: ifconfig | grep Bcast | cut -d: -f3 | cut -d' ' -f1
The --text
switch with grep, I'll add it to my grep file
moral of the story: modify in notepad, then paste. Or just type nice n slow.
I've learned that one the hard way
Just a link, no context for this #protip huh?
How about lsof -i | grep 8080
There is a command tree
however it's not part of a standard package, so you probably have to install it on most systems.
Here's a great run down on the various options for the CSS white-space
@sheerun That's what code school's git real course is for
If you ever want to get a list of files, excluding of all the details (permissions, size, modification times etc) just change -l
to -1
- 1 for Inconsolata
Am I missing something, isn't whitespace syntaxically important in python and CSS?
That's what dmidecode is for
@finnpauls Good catch, changed it to "if (n > 19 || n < 6)"
The last one if kinda fun, Google loops through search strings, it takes a minute or so, and then it returns a 'URL is too long' error
I <3 HSL
Better yet use ...
There's an #appforthat