Anton Kalyaev
Software engineer, blogger, public speaker
@dandv for chef it is usually <name_of_your_cookbook>/recipes/default.rb
(e.g. workwm/recipes/default.rb
old_size = get_element_size("#el")
# call action which triggers AJAX event
# wait for AJAX to finish
new_size = get_element_size("#el")
assert new_size != old_size
I've just tried it. Doesn't work for me
comm: illegal option -- -
usage: comm [-123i] file1 file2
fatal: malformed object name origin/staging
[Optionally] Add this to your .vimrc to always preserve flags when using &
" make & trigger :&& so it preserves flags
nnoremap & :&&<Enter>
xnoremap & :&&<Enter>
In fact, you could go even further and use ag to grep files (it is faster than find
" Use The Silver Searcher https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher
if executable('ag')
" Use Ag over Grep
set grepprg=ag\ --nogroup\ --nocolor
" Use ag in CtrlP for listing files. Lightning fast and respects .gitignore
let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'ag %s -l --nocolor -g ""'
Credits: Thoughtbot dotfiles
@luuf didn't know that. Thanks for mentioning it here!)
@numbata You could extract it to a separate protip, I think) But thanks for mentioned it here.
@av-ast Thanks! I've updated the protip.
@vassilevsky, thanks for spotting this! Updated it.
@kelion Thanks, I didn't think about it. I've added -p flag to xargs command for confirmation.
Stop talking - start coding.
Or, if you are using twitter-bootstrap-rails
gem, you can simply use bootstrap_flash
helper - https://github.com/seyhunak/twitter-bootstrap-rails#flash-helper
2,108 Karma
180,561 Total ProTip Views





Mongoose 3

Nephila Komaci



I am not using this DB anymore, but my guess is to simply copy the archive and restore it onto /var/lib/neo4j-server/data/graph.db/