Joined July 2012

Damon Aw

Lead Engineer, experimental coder at AlphaSights
New York

In trying to use array fields, it seems that GIN indices are not used when we query the array field with ANY. We have to use @> to use the index as we typically think it should.

I wrote a short one about it.

default: [] (or '{}') will also result in the whole table been traversed to insert '{}' value for each row. This locks the table on a large production table during the migration. Got bitten so just a friendly note =)

Posted to Remove Empty Helpers over 1 year ago

Tests and fixtures might have been generated along with the empty helpers.

This will be a real handy if you can modify it to remove such common files( e.g. productshelper.rb, spec/helpers/productshelper_spec.rb) too.

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