Trending Programming Tips
[Sublime Text] Wrap multiple lines in tag
Chang Huang
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Ruby on rails image helper for retina display with foundation interchange
David Leuliette
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Disabling RailsAdmin rake task warning
Brad Fults
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rails, warnings, rails_admin
Create tab view without JavaScript
Tatu Kairi
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css, html, javascript
Javascript-Friendly REST API with CORS
Irakli Nadareishvili
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php, node, express, rest
Linux - return to the last folder
Mike Street
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Remote Database with local WordPress instance
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remote database, local environment, wordpress
Send a Pull Request
Craig McNamara
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ruby, rails, js, bower
jQuery DOM cache object
Damian Le Nouaille
14 responses
jquery, dom, javascript, perf
Heroku is nice. Be nice back.
Skuli Oskarsson
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Automatically update Puppet in your Vagrant precise64 box
Bastian Spanneberg
1 response
puppet, vagrant, ubuntu
SHELL: Easily loop on line break separated items
Thomas DE BONA
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shell, zsh, bash
Laravel 4 on Ubuntu 13.10
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curl, json, mcrypt, laravel 4
Connect to BrowserStack's Local Testing Tunnel with Grunt
Devon Campbell
1 response
debugging, testing, grunt, browsers
Simple rules for a sane RESTful API design
Gonçalo Morais
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rest, api, json, restful
Use ImageMagick to create optimised and progressive JPGs
Andrew Walker
4 responses
rails, imagemagick, minimagick, carrrierwave
Make Your Database Field CaseSensitive
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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ruby, rails, database, mysql
Restrict access to your Rails staging environment
Justin Workman
1 response
rails, heroku
Oh crap, I committed to master!
Mark Allen
0 responses
reflog, git, rollback
Use your own vimrc when using sudo
6 responses
vim, sudo
Fast multi-module maven builds
Carlo Sciolla
0 responses
shell, script, development, maven
Text Editing - Keybindings
Evan Dale Aromin
0 responses
emacs, vim, text-editors
Strong Parameters the Right Way
Ezequiel Delpero
3 responses
ruby, gems, ror, patterns
Mastering iOS 7 UIStatusBarStyle
Max Howell
3 responses
ios, iphone, ios7