Trending Programming Tips
Simple location service for Android
Sultan Imanhodjaev
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Android Views (XML and code)
Jéгôme Gaпgпeux
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What is git?
Arnold Daniels
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Testing concurrency with rspec, the easy way
Duarte Henriques
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Remove Noise to Boost Your Efficiency
JD Smith
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Set up Node.js, Grunt and Node-Sass from scratch
Dale Sande
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Removing an auto-suggested site from Chrome
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Create .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset files using RVM
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Using Models in Rails Migrations
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Uncheck all checkboxes
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console, forms, javascript
Simple Pub/Sub with jQuery
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Damn simple coffeescript watch and compiling with grunt
Sam Saccone
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Simple, CSS only wizard progress tracker
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iTunes Command Line Interface
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iTerm2 marks and notes
Vlad Shvedov
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ruby, rails, console, debugging
Use App::HTTPThis for a quick static web server
brian d foy
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perl, httpd
Resize image to fill or to fit depending on orientation with CarrierWave and RMagick
Javier Cuevas
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ruby, rails, carrierwave, rmagick
Replace git author mail in history
Johannes Haseitl
1 response
git, filter-branch
Node/Express middleware to post-process requests
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Laravel 4: Routes and Controllers
Amanpreet Singh
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php, laravel, laravel 4