Trending Programming Tips
Text yourself anything from the command line
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Markdown Preview using ruby and sinatra simple script
Emad Elsaid
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Core principles to make performant PHP applications
Gjero Krsteski
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php, performance, programming
Case insensitive path completion in UNIX shells
Janos Gyerik
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shell, linux A new mobile SDK for Magento
Javier Toledo
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Too many aliases? Pshaw! There's no such thing
Michaux Kelley
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Display an image from stdout [ubuntu]
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Word/Line deletion and navigation shortcuts in iTerm2
Levi Tan Ong
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use ng-repeat on tbody to create summary rows for nested data
Jonathan Bowers
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Less boilerplate in Backbone Views
Rafael Jesus
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Postgres on OSX with homebrew not running after OSX crash
Jason Torres
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Install chruby to replace rvm on OS X
Arthur Chang
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Vertical align with 3 lines of CSS
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Switching iOS Localizations like a Pro
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Quickly open files in iTerm with RubyMine on MacOS
Anton Katunin
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second to fifth methods for ActiveRecord Model
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Measuring memory usage in Ruby
Bryan Powell
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ruby, performance
Post JSON Body to API with Basic HTTP Authentication using Objective C and AFNetworking 2.0
Luke Rhodes
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ORM Data Persistency Option For Android Development : Sugar
Akapo Damilola Francis
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Quick and dirty fix for the infamous Safari blank-page bug
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
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Why JSON5?
Ray Ch
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json, yaml, json5
Installing Docker 0.8 on Debian Wheezy in 60 seconds
Wil Tan
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SPAs and SEO: How to make it work
Roie Cohen
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