Trending Programming Tips
Live Calculator + Math module using ruby and sinatra
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, math, sinatra
Facebook Stories Style Navigation
Richard Bray
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CSS only rising smoke animation
Andrea Verlicchi
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css, animation, css animation, css only
Bootstrap 3 .input-xs, since it doesn't exists.
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Jichao Ouyang
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Creating Foreign Key in Laravel Migrations
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laravel, migration, foreign key
Yii CActiveDataProvider with scopes
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yii, scope, cactivedataprovider
Replace a SASS list with a SASS map
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sass, maps
Turn textareas into a mini Vim or Emacs
Benjamin Harris
1 response
emacs, vim, browser, editor
Viewing the output from a process in Linux
Tristan Roddis
1 response
shell, linux
iOS: Handling Pan Gestures Properly
Daniel Burke
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ios, ui, ux, gestures
Display flash messages with Semantic-UI in Rails
Sebastián González
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rails, flash, flash message, semantic-ui
Sublime Text 3 Shell Installer for Fedora Linux x64
Jose Luis Quintana
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shell, linux, fedora, x64
Creating a presentation card with PHP GDImage
Jose Luis Quintana
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php, gd, gdimage
the best html/css framework
Vinay Vidyasagar
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css, html5, bootstrap
One liner CSS trick for spacing items
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css, one-liner, silly-but-useful
Change the Bootstrap NavBar Breakpoint
Carol Skelly
39 responses
css, responsive, mobile, css3
How to install OpenERP 8.0 Alpha on a fresh Debian / Ubuntu server.
Benoit C. Sirois
17 responses
python, openerp, business, ubuntu
Django fixture dumpdata, loaddata and Integrity Error
Skate Hunbash
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python, django
Add some cool separators to your Dock
0 responses
osx, macosx, mac, tips
Escape HTML with Javascript
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escape, html, javascript
OSX Organize Dock with spaces
Alex Meijer
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osx, dock, organize, mavericks
Random Bouncy particles using ruby
Emad Elsaid
0 responses
ruby, gosu, rails, gaming