Trending Programming Tips
Randomly assign colors to different sections of your layout
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Streaming Large Data Responses with Rails
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Create github repo from Terminal
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github, bash, git
Use .editorconfig
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Remote Pair + Listen to Music
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Helper for creating language anchors in Laravel
Mario Basic
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Remote Debugging a Java Application
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Encrypt your Code Climate repo token for public repositories on Travis CI
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Bring a robot
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Setting Up Vagrant
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Speed Up Your Webpage By Using DNS Prefetching
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php, html, dns
NodeJS and Loggers (part 1)
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log, logging, node, logger
Faster install of Python dependencies
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HowTo Use Nginx to deliver nodejs pages
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Ruby on Rails client side validation
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Return to last active Tab on Twitter Bootstrap 3
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bootstrap, javascript
Dmitry Pashkevich
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prototype, object, javascript, hashmap
JS Inheritance is awesome, and you're doing it wrong
Chris Coniglio
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javascript, prototypes, inheritance, object.create
Google search a word before adding it to a Vim spell file
Keith Pinson
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vim, spelling, spell-checking, vim-g