Trending Programming Tips
Proper MySQL character set and collation setup
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Deep Copy object in Javascript
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Remove git branch locally and on remote
Dawson Botsford
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Docker for Windows cheat sheet
Stefan Prodan
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Different ways of creating an Object in javascript
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javascript, programming, learning
Exporting a folder to a separate Git repository
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iPython Notebook unable to import matplotlib.plot on Mac OS X
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How To Make Your Rails app start talking to a Postgres database?
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Monitor your infrastructure using icinga2 with multiple zones Part 1
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PHPBrew on Ubuntu 16.04 & PHP7
David du Toit
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Git Fatal CR LF Fix
Victor Kristof
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Install plugins on elasticsearch with docker-compose
Pulkit Singhal
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Reading a 2GB text file ( php vs nodejs ) - comparison with a story
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Material Kit - A Badass Bootstrap UI Kit
Creative Tim
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Connect to mysql through ssh tunnel from php
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keep your .bash_history clean
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bash .bashrc alias
Python I/O Open Close File
1 response
python, file, io
Jupyter Notebook on remote server
Victor Kristof
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jupyter notebook
Ruby on Rails backup database and store in Git
Lev Lukomsky
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Set user agent for rspec controller tests
Troy Martin
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rspec, user agent, rails, controller spec
Remove all files in current directory other than x day
James Duncombe
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sysadmin, shell