Last Updated: September 30, 2021
· vicow

Jupyter Notebook on remote server

How to use a remote Jupyter Notebook

On the remote server

Start the notebook in no-browser mode and specify a port (different from any other port on the server):

jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=[XXXX]

Optional: start the notebook in tmux or screen so that you can later close the terminal while being able to run the notebook (e.g. if you are running a long task).

On the local machine

Create an ssh tunnel to the corresponding server and binding remote port XXXX to local YYYY:

ssh -f [USER]@[SERVER] -L [YYYY]:localhost:[XXXX] -N

You can now enter localhost:[YYYY] in your favorite browser to use the remote notebook!

2 Responses
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This cannot edit the remotefiles on a local broweser with writefile Can you explain how to load/edit/run files ?

over 1 year ago ·

I got this error: Unable to open connection:Host does not exist
Even ping to that host is also working.
Any idea whats going wrong ?

over 1 year ago ·